User Experience (UX): A Game Changer in Enterprise Software Adoption

July 15, 2024

Rob Stone

IpX Digital Ecosystem Analyst

User experience is everything. It always has been, but it's undervalued and underinvested in. If you look at why the best companies in the world are successful, it's because they understand the importance of UX."
- Evan Williams, Co-founder of Twitter

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IpX (The Institute for Process Excellence) has the blueprint for true continuous improvement that empowers an ecosystem of sustainable excellence, which in turn results in the perpetual success of your organization. This blog-post discusses an important aspect of that ecosystem.

What is UX and How Does it Apply to Enterprise Software

User Experience (UX), often abbreviated as UX, refers to a person's emotions and attitudes about using a particular product, system, or service. It includes the practical, experiential, affective, meaningful, and valuable aspects of human-computer interaction and product ownership. In the context of enterprise software, UX encompasses its user interface (UI), how the software is configured and/or customized, and the value that users derive from the software relative to their goals and needs.

UX is Not All About OOTB UI

It is essential to understand that UX (user experience) in enterprise software is not solely defined by the software's out-of-the-box (OOTB) user interface (UI) or its inherent usability and complexity. While these aspects are important, they are often beyond the direct control of the company implementing the software. The primary determinant of a software tool's UX lies in how well the implementing company understands the software and how effectively it can be configured and/or customized to meet the organization's specific needs.

A deep understanding of the software is crucial because it allows the company to identify and leverage features that align with their workflows and objectives. This knowledge enables the organization to tailor the software's functionality, thus optimizing the user experience. Configuration and/or customization might involve such things as adjusting settings (especially permissions-related settings), modifying interfaces, or integrating additional tools and processes that enhance the software's usability and relevance for end-users.

Understand Your Users

Understanding users through user research is vital for companies implementing enterprise software. This process involves gathering insights directly from the end-users about their needs, preferences, and challenges. It's not just about collecting data; it's about developing a deep understanding of the users, which informs all aspects of the software's configuration, customization, and deployment.

User research is crucial because it helps companies identify the specific requirements and expectations that users have from the software. This includes understanding the tasks users perform, the challenges they encounter, and the goals they aim to achieve. By engaging with users through interviews, surveys, and usability testing, companies can gather valuable information that guides the effective configuration and customization of the software. This approach ensures that the software is not only functional but also intuitive and well-integrated into the users' workflow, thereby enhancing overall productivity and satisfaction.

Additionally, user research helps to uncover usability issues that may not be immediately apparent. These issues might include confusing navigation, unclear instructions, or hard-to-find features. By observing users as they interact with the software, companies can identify these pain points and address them before full deployment. This iterative process of testing and refining the software's configuration and/or any customizations based on real user feedback is essential for creating a user-friendly experience.

Poor Implementation Planning = Poor UX

"If you fail to plan, you plan to fail."
- Attributed to Benjamin Franklin

A good UX is also dependent on how well the company plans for the software's implementation. This should build on the understanding of user needs and goals obtained through appropriate user research (see above), providing appropriate training, and assigning full-time resources who can offer continuous support.

Providing adequate training for users is another essential aspect of a successful software implementation. No matter how intuitive the software may be, users benefit from structured training sessions that introduce them to both its basic and advanced features. Training programs should be tailored to different skill levels, ensuring that all users can fully utilize the software's capabilities. Additionally, offering ongoing training resources, such as tutorials or webinars, can help users stay updated with any new features or updates to the software. These continuous learning opportunities ensure that users remain confident and competent in their use of the software, leading to greater efficiency and productivity in their daily tasks.

Assigning dedicated resources, such as subject matter experts (SMEs), is also crucial in supporting the software's successful adoption. These experts play a vital role in assisting users with questions and resolving issues, thereby reducing frustration and ensuring a smoother user experience. SMEs also act as a bridge between the user base and the software administration and support teams, facilitating communication and ensuring that the software evolves in line with user needs.

Consequences of Poor UX

The consequences of poor UX can be severe for an organization. When the user experience is lacking, it can lead to a range of issues that negatively impact both the users and the business as a whole.

Decreased Productivity

One of the most significant consequences of poor UX is decreased productivity. When software is difficult to navigate or use, employees may spend an excessive amount of time trying to complete tasks that should be straightforward. This inefficiency can slow down workflows and create frustration among users, ultimately reducing overall productivity. In a worst-case scenario, critical tasks may be delayed or even halted because users are unable to use the software effectively.

Increased Training Costs

Another consequence of poor UX is increased training costs. Complex and unintuitive software requires extensive training to ensure that users can operate it competently. This means that organizations must invest additional time and resources into training programs, which can be costly. Moreover, if the software remains difficult to use, ongoing training may be necessary, further escalating costs. These expenses can add up quickly, putting a strain on the organization's budget and resources.

High User Churn Rate

A poor user experience can also lead to a high user churn rate. When users are frustrated with the software, they are more likely to disengage or stop using it altogether. This churn can be particularly damaging in enterprise settings where consistent usage is critical to achieving business goals. High churn rates can also indicate a broader issue with employee satisfaction and retention, as frustration with essential tools can contribute to overall job dissatisfaction. Addressing these UX issues is crucial for maintaining a productive and satisfied workforce.

Benefits of Good UX

Conversely, a good UX offers several benefits that can significantly enhance an organization's efficiency and user satisfaction. A well-designed user experience not only meets user needs but also provides a seamless and enjoyable interaction with the software.

Increased Productivity

A primary benefit of good UX is increased productivity. When software is intuitive and user-friendly, employees can complete tasks more efficiently and with fewer errors. This ease of use enables users to focus on their core responsibilities rather than spending time troubleshooting or figuring out how to use the software. As a result, overall productivity improves, and the organization can achieve its goals more effectively.

Reduced Training Time

Good UX also leads to reduced training time. Intuitive software reduces the learning curve for new users, allowing them to become proficient more quickly. This efficiency not only saves time but also reduces the costs associated with training programs. Additionally, users are more likely to retain their training when the software design is logical and easy to understand, minimizing the need for repeated training sessions.

Lower User Churn Rate

Finally, a positive UX can lead to lower user churn rates. When users are satisfied with their software experience, they are more likely to continue using the software consistently. This satisfaction can also lead to increased user engagement and adoption, as users become advocates for the software within the organization. Lower churn rates not only reflect higher user satisfaction but also contribute to the long-term success and stability of the software's implementation.

How to Do Good UX

Get Help

Enterprise software implementations are not something that your company will do frequently, so don't be shy about getting help. IpX will help assess and select the best enterprise tools for your enterprise, and then work with you to ensure their successful implementation. 

Of course, selecting an enterprise software tool is a critical milestone in the implementation process, but it is not the final step. While System Integrators excel at installing and configuring tools, IpX enhances this process with in-depth knowledge of your enterprise, its personnel, systems, processes, and data. We ensure this knowledge is effectively applied during implementation by collaborating closely with you and your chosen system integrator. As a partner who will truly understand your organization, IpX seamlessly integrates with your business, ensuring that your specific needs and goals are met through requirements-led development, testing, and deployment.

Understand Software Configuration and Customization

To achieve good UX in enterprise software, companies must thoroughly understand how the software can be configured and/or customized. This understanding is critical because it enables the organization to tailor the software to meet the specific needs and goals of its users. A one-size-fits-all approach rarely works in enterprise environments, where the diversity of tasks and user requirements demands a more nuanced solution.

Effective configuration involves setting up the software in a way that aligns with the organization's workflows and processes. This can include adjusting user interfaces, modifying default settings, and integrating with other tools and systems that the company uses. By doing so, companies can streamline operations, reduce the time it takes to perform tasks, and improve overall efficiency. Configuration is not just about making the software work; it's about making it work optimally for the specific company context.

Customization goes a step further by allowing companies to adapt the software's functionality to better suit their unique needs. This might involve developing custom modules, scripts, or plugins that extend the software's capabilities. Customization can also include creating specialized reports, dashboards, or data views that provide valuable insights tailored to different user roles within the organization. The goal is to enhance the software's relevance and usability, making it a more powerful tool for the users.

Understanding the full range of configuration and customization options requires a deep dive into the software's documentation and capabilities. It often involves collaboration with the software provider, consulting experts (such as IpX), or utilizing internal IT resources to explore potential enhancements. By investing time and resources into this process, companies can ensure that the software is not only implemented successfully but also evolves to meet changing needs and challenges over time.

Use an MVP Approach

Implementing enterprise software using a Minimum Viable Product (MVP) approach is a strategic method to enhance UX. The MVP approach involves starting with a small set of features/modules of the software that can be quickly and safely deployed, and then gradually adding more functionality/modules through iterative mini deployments. This method not only helps in managing the complexity of large-scale software implementations but also ensures that the software is developed in alignment with user needs and feedback.

One of the key advantages of the MVP approach is the ability to gather continuous feedback from users. By initially deploying just a portion of the software, companies can observe how users interact with the software and identify any pain points or areas for improvement. This real-time feedback is invaluable, as it provides insights into what users find useful or challenging, allowing for adjustments before the next phase of deployment. This iterative process helps in refining the software to better meet user expectations, ultimately leading to a more refined and user-centric product.

Additionally, the MVP approach reduces the risk associated with large-scale "all or nothing" software implementations. By breaking down the deployment into manageable phases, companies can address issues as they arise without the pressure of a full-scale rollout. This phased approach also allows for better resource management, as companies can allocate resources more efficiently based on the immediate needs of each deployment phase. It also fosters a culture of continuous improvement, as each iteration is an opportunity to enhance the software and address any shortcomings.

Finally, using the MVP approach can help manage user expectations and increase overall satisfaction. By delivering functional components of the software early, users can start benefiting from the software while additional features are still being developed. This not only provides immediate value but also helps build trust with the user base, as they see that their feedback is being taken into consideration and that the software is evolving to meet their needs. In the long run, this approach can lead to a more successful and widely adopted software solution.


In summary, UX is a critical factor in the successful adoption of enterprise software. It encompasses all aspects of the user's interaction with the software and extends beyond the out-of-the-box UI. A good UX can lead to increased productivity, reduced training time, and lower user churn rates. Achieving good UX involves thorough understanding of software configuration and customization, effective implementation planning, and the use of an MVP approach.

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About the Author

Rob has 30+ years of experience contributing to business solutions involving IT and software in the aerospace, defense, energy, health care, medical device, and space industries. He has Bachelor of Arts and a Master of Science degrees in Business Information Systems from Utah State University; and he has his CM2-PRO certification.

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