Course: Foundation of Operational Excellence (CM2-01)

Virtual and In-Person Instructor-Led Duration: 2 days
Online Self-Paced Duration: 16-20 Hours


How an organization identifies, structures, links and assigns ownership to its requirements and internal processes directly affects its ability to successfully and efficiently perform the intended mission or achieve its business objectives.

If this activity is ignored or done incorrectly, an organization pays severe penalties in the form of intervention resource expenditure. Those expenditures are the unplanned time, money, and resources expended to compensate for quality and schedule problems.

When quality and schedule problems dominate the energy an organization expends on a daily basis, corrective action becomes the standard "way of working." Changing that environment requires an understanding of how current processes relate to best practices and the culture change that is needed to make the transition.

This course introduces a structured and effective methodology for documenting, validating, releasing, and changing requirements. In addition, it gives an introduction to methods for reducing intervention resource costs. It addresses the process enhancements that an organization must make in order to accommodate change and keep all requirements clear, concise, and valid.


A. The Business of Running a Business
B. Hierarchical Structure of the Digital Thread
C. Magnitude of Corrective Action
D. Basis for the CM2 Model
     • Workshop 1: Comparative Analysis
E. Framework of an Enterprise
F. Untangling the Chaos of an Organization
G. Developing World Class Products
H. Managing the Flow of Requirements
     • Workshop 2: Unit Contract with Nonconformances
I. Managing Your Requirements as Datasets
J. Change Process and Key Decision Points
K. Elements of the CM2 Change Process
     • Workshop 3: Comparative Analysis
L. Siloed CM Failures and Enterprise CM2 Successes
M. Optimizing CM2 for the Enterprise
N. The Evolution of Ecosystem Excellence
O. Course Review and Summary

Additional Course Information

  • Certificate is awarded upon successful completion of course and multiple-choice exam
  • CEUs granted through Purdue University
  • Standard Individual Student Price: $1,000 - $1,350 depending on modality

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