Course: Requirements and the CM2 Baseline (CM2-02)

Virtual and In-Person Instructor-Led Duration: 2 days
Online Self-Paced Duration: 16-20 Hours


Requirements management is the foundation for the Digital Thread. Organizations struggle with the ability to define and maintain the digital architecture needed to support Software, Hardware, Systems, Facilities, and Infrastructure throughout the entire lifecycle. The inability to effectively manage the Digital Thread creates a high level of corrective action in every phase of the lifecycle. 

CM2-02 Abstract
Configuration management is the major backbone of requirements management and requirements management is a major building block in the creation and management of the Digital Thread. Understanding that relationship is imperative when defining the future mode of operating.

This course establishes the roadmap that facilitates an organization's ability to create a world-class enterprise Digital Thread. This is achieved through the application of a set of proven principles and techniques. When properly applied, this improved business model enhances the development, structuring, and managing of requirements throughout the enterprise.

This course focuses on the foundational elements of requirements management including the structuring and ownership of all product, solution, and business requirements. It will detail the first steps in the creation of the Digital Thread - the concept and development phases of any project.


A. Best Practices for Naming, Numbering and Attribute Utilization
B. Effective Techniques for Managing Requirements
C. Enriching Your Development Process
D. Application Requirements and Dynamic Linkages
     • Workshop 1: Application Requirements Flow Down
E. Design Basis Requirements and Dynamic Linkages
F. Establishing Functional Work Packages and Schedules
G. Increasing the Potential for Reuse and Interchangeability
H. The Detailed Plan Dries the Detailed Design
     • Workshop 2: Wind Turbine Structure
I. Managing Options ad Variants of Product Configurations
J. Differing Views and Perspectives on How to Define Quality
K. Having a Positive Impact on the Financial Bottom Line
L. Achieving True North Enterprise Calibration
     • Workshop 3: Cost of Intervention Resources
M. Operating Standards and Core Procedures
N. Course Review and Summary

Additional Course Information

  • Certificate is awarded upon successful completion of course and multiple-choice exam
  • CEUs granted through Purdue University
  • Standard Individual Student Price: $1,000 - $1,350 depending on modality

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