Course: The Complexities of Lifecycle Sustainment (CM2-05)

Virtual and In-Person Instructor-Led Duration: 2 days 
Online Self-Paced Duration: 16-20 Hours


All organizations struggle with the ability to manage information accurately for the enterprise or throughout the deliverable lifecycle. This failure creates a high level of intervention resource expenditure and an inability to track fielded configurations. This drives significant warranty, recall, and concession costs that can have devastating impacts on the business. This course is about the linkages that enable the digital thread and understanding the gaps between product development, factories, and the service organizations. 
CM2-05 Abstract
To tap the power of the Digital Thread and to facilitate a true Digital Twin, all facets of the organization and all lifecycle phases rely on a comprehensive configuration management process for the enterprise. The dynamics of the Digital Thread impact the Digital Twin with a constant flow of changes making the ability to generate the Digital Twin that much more complex.

This course introduces critical additions to the process flows and roles previously defined in the CM2 process. These additions are essential to the management of the Digital Thread and visibility of the Digital Twin in the Integrated Logistics Support lifecycle phase (operation and maintenance).

Management of supply chain data is shown to be crucial to the integrity of the Digital Thread. This course also identifies the differences and challenges associated with managing the Digital Thread through each of the lifecycle phases of the deliverable.


A. Lifecycle Controls and Datasets
B. Integrated Logistics Support
C. Replacement Item Issues and Solutions
D. Supply Chain Management in ILS
     • Workshop 1: 10% Cost Reduction
E. Understanding Logistics Complexity
F. Additional Product Identifiers
G. Allowable ILS Asset Configurations
H. ILS Upgrades and Modifications
     • Workshop 2: Intervention Resources in ILS
I. Overhaul, Refurbish and Recertify
J. Proposed Changes and Lifecycle Costs
K. Change Implementation Planning
L. Planning Changes for ILS
     • Workshop 3: CR 00101 Impact in ILS
M. Executing Changes for ILS
N. Design Reconstitution of Existing Facilities
O. Decommissioning and Environmental Management
P. Course Review and Summary
Q. Acronyms and Definitions

Additional Course Information

  • Certificate is awarded upon successful completion of course and multiple-choice exam
  • CEUs granted through Purdue University
  • Standard Individual Student Price: $1,000 - $1,350 depending on modality

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