CFISA Cyber Security Training

IpX is excited to share the partnership with an addition of the Center for Information Security Awareness (CFISA) certification courses to the IDEA Academy. Security Awareness Training courses are designed to educate employees on proper cyber and data security behavior to best protect your organization from a catastrophic data breach.

Even when your IT department has barricaded your cyber back door, just a simple click on a link, attachment or website by just one employee can open your front door to a catastrophic data breach.

"It doesn't matter how big or small a company is - hackers want sensitive company information and customer data. Even when the IT department has barricaded the back door, just a simple click on a link, attachment, or website by just one employee can open your front door to a catastrophic data breach. - Michael Levin, CEO/Founder, CFISA

Hackers are good at their job - they study predictable human behavior. Whether you are a small business or a Fortune 100 company, academia or government agency, you need to train your employees on proper cyber and data security behavior.

CFISA's Cyber Security Awareness high quality courses are designed to engage each employee with the need for security diligence by each employee.

Security Awareness Training Level I and Level II

Security Awareness Training

Course Details
9-15 Lessons
Total time: 1-2 Hours based on Level
Quizzing & Certificate Provided

Cybercrime is the fastest growing crime in the world. Our personal and business accounts are being attacked daily. This course provides an overview of the risk associated with cybercrime and best practices to protect the business from phishing, email threats, and other cybercrimes. Security training empowers your employees to protect your organization and customer data.

PCI Compliance Training Level I and Level II

PCI Compliance

Course Details
9-15 Lessons
Total time: 58-111 min
Quizzing & Certificate Provided

CFISA's Employee PCI Level I and Level II training courses are designed to help businesses and organizations not only comply with the PCI DSS employee training standards, but when combined with CFISA's Cyber Security Training, it empowers your employees to protect your organization and customer data.

HIPAA Compliance Training

HIPAA Compliance

Course Details
8 Lessons
Total time: 54 min
Quizzing & Certificate Provided

CFISA's HIPAA and Security Awareness Employee Training course combines HIPAA compliance lessons and Security Awareness Training. This powerful training tool not only educates your employees on PHI requirements and stated law, it also expands their knowledge of best practices of how to reduce risk and protect your organization from cyber threats.

CFISA courses are available online within the IDEA Academy.  The IDEA Academy is IpX's innovative learning platform that brings together industry certifications, accredited courseware, and thought leaders under one platform. Get access to CM2 Certifications, UPPDC, CM2 Jump-Start courses, Digital Cornerstone courses, EIA-649, and premier training from Methods of 100 Coaches. Create your account today. 

Contact us today at (720) 627-5114 or for more information or to schedule a group session.

Get the most out of your learning journey with an
IDEA Academy Subscription that includes new courseware added each month.

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